
The NAVRO offers two kinds of membership:

  • HPR & model rocketry members
    These members concentrate there activities on building model and/or HPR rockets. Most HPR and model rocketry members build there rockets at home. Information and knowledge exchange takes place at launches, (special) club evenings and on the internet. But the NAVRO also has an fully equipped workshop which may be used.
  • General members
    In addition to the activities described above, general members may participate in the design and building of amateur rockets as well in motor and propellant research.

If you want to become NAVRO member or want to known more about the membership you can email the NAVRO for more information.

Impuls Nieuwsbrief

Impuls Nieuwsbrief

The "Impuls Nieuwsbrief" was the NAVRO's newsletter. If there is enough content, it may well be published again. Below are old editions in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Note: The "Impuls Nieuwsbrief" is in Dutch.



Webmasters:   Peter Leemker and Pleun Punt.
Text: Pleun Punt and Peter Leemker, with additional text by Gerben-Jan Ligthart and others when credited.
Thanks to Harry Advokaat for helping to translate.
Pictures: Fred van Arkel and Pleun Punt with additional pictures by NAVRO members and others when credited.
If accidentally your picture is used without permission, please contact the NAVRO.


Email: Please, use the Contact form
Postal address:   NAVRO
G.J. Ligthart
Wilde Woutstraat 12
2951 VV  Alblasserdam
The Netherlands


Unless otherwise noted, all subject matter, pictures and images are © Copyright NAVRO 1999-2018

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