The following links are links to sites that have a connection to the NAVRO or rocketry in general.

Rocketry organisations in The Netherlands

  • DARE Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering, the amateur rocketry group of Delft's Technical University.
  • DRRA Dutch Rocket Research Association, the Dutch model rocketry organisation.
  • NERO The other Dutch amateur rocketry organisation.
  • Tripoli The Netherlands The Dutch branch of Tripoli.

Rocketry organisations in the rest of the world

  • Argos The Swiss HPR rocketry organisation.
  • DSC Danish Space Challenge, Denmark's top amateur rocketry organisation.
  • GEA Groupe d'Etudes Aérospatiales, the Wallonian (Belgium) amateur rocketry organisation.
  • IMR Interessengemeinschaft Modellraketen, a federation of rocketry organisations from German speaking countries.
  • NAR The national American rocketry organisation.
  • NEAR The Norwegian amateur rocketry organisation.
  • SARA South African Rocketry Association, the South African rocketry organisation.
  • Tripoli The national American HPR organisation.
  • VRO Vlaamse Raket Organisatie, the Flemish (Belgium) amateur rocketry organisation.



  • CanSat The Dutch CanSat competition.

Rocketry companies

  • AeroTech The American HPR rocket and (reloadable) motor company.
  • Ceseroni An alternative HPR reloadable motor company.
  • Estes An American model rocket and motor company.
  • Quest An American model rocket and motor company.

Dutch rocketry vendors


Online rocketry resources

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