N27 Name: N27
Type: Titan B
Motor: 80 mm Kalinidex motor from Mark Uitendaal
Launch: NLD39, ASK 't Harde, 20 september 2013

This Titan rocket was launched on September 20, 2013. Revised electronics and RDAS of the N26 where used. The differens was that this time we used the 80 mm Kalinidex motor (4500 Ns) from Mark. In addittion, the rocket is now provided with two cameras. One camera (camera A) produces images in the direction of the nose cone and the other (camera B) produced images downwards to th fins. The NDU parachute system used an slower opening ballute as main parachute. The rocket reach an altitude of 2500 m and parachited now successful. Camera A produced stunning images including the parachtuting. Unfortunately data from Camera B could not be read.

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