N1 Name: N1 "Pluvius Tubus"
Type: N1
Motor: Bambi
Launch: Mourmelon, 28 August 1990

The N1 is the first amateur rocket built by the NAVRO. "Pluvius Tubus" is latin for "Rain-pipe". It was launched at the National French Launching Campaign. After 0.7 seconds the French Bambi motor that was used, destroyed the rocket. This was a great disappointment, but it was one of the reasons to develop our own rocket motors.
The French government provided rockets motors to amateurs free of charge under supervision of the CNES (the French NASA), to stop amateurs making their own rocket motors. Unfortunately these are developed from military rocket motors and are smokeless. As user you don't have any control on the quality of the motor.


N1 "Pluvius Tubus"

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